See below for important links to forms and hotlines for veterans. Relevant updates within the VA system and information related to veteran's law can also be found below.

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Obtaining VA Benefits for Agent Orange-Related HypertensionThe recently enacted PACT Act extends VA benefits eligibility to Vietnam War Veterans who developed hypertension after being exposed to Agent Orange.
9 Disabilities Qualifying for an Agent Orange Presumptive Service ConnectionAgent Orange has been linked to multiple health problems. Learn more about the conditions eligible for VA disability benefits.
Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Conditions Caused by Rainbow Herbicide ExposureAgent Orange gets the most attention, but there is a family of Rainbow Herbicides that can cause problems that qualify for VA disability benefits.
Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Diabetes Caused by Agent Orange ExposureVeterans exposed to Agent Orange qualify for a presumptive service connection for a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis.
Receiving VA Disability Benefits for Parkinson's Disease Caused by Agent Orange ExposureVeterans exposed to Agent Orange qualify for a presumptive service connection when applying for VA disability benefits due to Parkinson's disease.
Case Study #1: A Deployment in TakhliAttorney Sean Kendall relays 2 interesting cases in which he was able to help his military veteran clients win their appeals