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PTSD May Begin After Deployment EndsPTSD can occur within three months of experiencing trauma, but for some veterans, signs may not happen until much later. Find out more here.
Steps to Take After a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) C&P ExamThere are several things to do after a C&P exam that can help you obtain your results and prepare for an appeal if your claim is denied. Find out more here.
Things to Think About Before Your PTSD C&P ExamIf you need a Compensation and Pension exam, there are tips to consider prior to your appointment that can help you prepare so you have a favorable outcome.
The Connection Between Atrial Fibrillation and PTSD in US VeteransVeterans who have service-connected PTSD may be able to receive additional benefits for atrial fibrillation. Contact a disability lawyer to find out more.
How to Win a Claim for PTSD from MST Without In-Service RecordsMany Veterans delay reporting a military sexual trauma (MST). However, a claim for PTSD due to MST can still be won without in-service evidence of the MST.
How to Prove PTSD from Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for VA Benefits?Learn how to prove PTSD from Military Sexual Trauma (MST) for VA benefits. Discover evidence options, even without markers, and get the support you deserve
Claiming VA Disability Benefits for PTSD as a Former Prisoner of WarPTSD has a presumptive service connection for former prisoners of war, along with several other conditions. Learn what this means for your VA disability claim.
Obtaining a Diagnosis Is the First Step in Receiving VA Disability Benefits for PTSDIf you think you may have PTSD, you need to obtain a formal diagnosis before applying for Veterans disability benefits.
Veterans With PTSD Often Qualify for Compensation for TinnitusVeterans with PTSD may be able to receive additional disability benefits for service-connected tinnitus. Learn more here.
PTSD Is Often Confused With Panic Disorder, But Veterans May Be Able to Receive Benefits for Both ConditionsPanic disorder and PTSD produce similar symptoms but are considered two different conditions. A clear diagnosis is needed for VA disability benefits.
Why It’s Rare for Veterans to Receive an Automatic 50% Disability Rating for PTSDVeterans with PTSD can receive an automatic 50% rating in very limited cases. A VA disability benefits attorney explains.
Veterans With PTSD Often Struggle With Memory LossVeterans with PTSD sometimes experience memory loss related to their condition. Learn how this can affect VA disability benefits.